Sunday 24 November 2013

Keyboard layouts (again)

I've got another Bluetooth keyboard for Android to try out, and again the key layout is driving me nuts.
The keys are standard British, with the currency symbol in Sterling at shift+3, the quote marks at shift+2 and the 'at' symbol next to the ; key. So far, so peachy.
But there is no option for a British keyboard in Android. Not that I can see anyway, and judging by some very frustrated posts on various forums I am not alone.
English (US) is there. Even English (US Dvorak) is provided, despite Dvorak being used by three monomaniacs in the entire Americas.
The result is that I can't type a pound sign and I have to hunt around for the other misplaced characters. Maddening.
The French get a French keyboard. The Estonians get an Estonian keyboard. The Swiss have a choice between Swiss (French) and Swiss (German).
So why no English (UK)?
This is fundamentally down to Google. I may be being immature about this, but if feels very insulting to be offered English (US) and no UK option at all. If the Swiss can get Swiss French and Swiss German, why can't we have our own fucking language?
There is some speculation that we might finally get it in KitKat, but that still means waiting for the manufacturers to roll out the update. My current Android devices are from Sony and Samsung, so I'm not holding my breath. Just cursing roundly every time I want to type a pound sign or enter an email address.

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