Thursday 24 October 2013

An Open Letter to Marissa Mayer

Dear Marissa Mayer,
As head of Yahoo!!! you have been spearheading the redesign of my browser-based, BT-supplied email service, so I want to congratulate you on the new 'preview pane' at the side of the email list rather than at the bottom where it is more or less useless and one of the many things that really ticked me off in the previous version.
But there are still a couple of issues so, as I understand you are a stickler for detail, I was wondering if you could explain. Why won't it remember that I want the preview pane at the side? It always starts with it at the bottom and asks me if I want it at the side. Bloody irritating.
And when I select the side preview pane, a pair of vertical lines appear in the middle of the list that have to be selected and moved before they disappear. This 'feature' seems to be exclusive to Chrome, but if it is intended to force me to use IE it is even more intensely bloody irritating.
Every time I fire up Yahoo!!! Mail!!! I get this strong urge to profanity. Please sort it out soon.
Love!!! Kisses!!!

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